def get_inventory_item_ids(): """ Shopifyより在庫を取得 """ token = 'hogehoge' shop_url = 'hogehoge' pagenation_url = None #初回リクエスト時はNone limit = 250 #一度に在庫取得する商品数の上限。これ以上の場合は繰り返し処理が必要 headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Shopify-Access-Token': token, } cursor = pagenation_url data = '{ inventoryItems(first: ' + str(limit) + ',' if cursor != None: data += 'after: ' + '"' + cursor + '"' data += ''') { edges { #cursor node { id sku } } pageInfo{ hasNextPage endCursor } } }''' url = 'https://' + shop_url + '' response =, headers=headers, json={'query': data}) if response.status_code == 200: json_data = json.loads(response.text)
取得したShopifyの在庫情報はJsonやDB、CSVなど環境に応じて保存または維持する。次にAmazonへ在庫を反映する。Amazonへの在庫反映はlistings APIを使う。
def put_item_stock(inventory_data): """ listing APIで在庫更新 path inventory_data : {"sku": "hogehoge", "quantity": 23} """ seller_id = 'hogehoge' # produc_type = 'PRODUCT' MarketplaceIds = 'hogehoge' method = 'PATCH' canonical_uri = '/listings/2021-08-01/items/' + seller_id + '/' + inventory_data['sku'] endpoint = '' + canonical_uri #patchするデータの作成 patches = [] patch_operation = {} patch_operation['op'] = 'replace' patch_operation['path'] = '/attributes/fulfillment_availability' patch_operation['value'] = [ { 'fulfillment_channel_code': 'DEFAULT', 'quantity': inventory_data['quantity'], } ] patches.append(patch_operation) patch_data = { 'productType': product_type, #The Amazon product type of the listings item. 'patches': patches, #One or more JSON Patch operations to perform on the listings item. } request_parameters_unencode = { 'marketplaceIds':MarketplaceIds, } request_parameters = urllib.parse.urlencode(sorted(request_parameters_unencode.items())) request_url = endpoint + '?' + request_parameters body_data = json.dumps(patch_data) headers = {'x-amz-access-token': token, 'user-agent': user_agent, 'Content-Type': content_type, 'X-Amz-Date': amz_date, 'Authorization': authorization_header } #patchでリクエスト response = requests.patch(request_url, data=body_data, headers=headers) return response